How to wear unflattering (i.e. not your best) colours and still look great?

Which colours we decide to wear every day depends on our personal preferences and the colours we enjoy wearing. Sometimes we are drawn to colours that are not the best for our natural colouring.

But what to do if you like that colour and want to wear it without having a ‘wash out’ effect or casting shadows over your face, making you look unnecessarily older?

The good news is that you can still wear it and look great, as long as you follow these 3 simple style tips:

1. Avoid wearing the unflattering colour near your face; keep it to your bottom half (e.g. trousers, skirts, etc.) – See Image 1

2. Instead of wearing it in solid blocks, experiment with patterns instead – See Image 2

3. Incorporate the unsuitable colour into accessories, limiting them to around 10-20% of your outfit (handbag, shoes, gloves etc.) – See Image 3

For example, let’s assume the red colour is not your best colour (e.g. tomato red shade), but you still want to incorporate it into your outfits. here is how you do it…

I have attached a few images so you can see how easily you can incorporate these tips straight away.

Image 1

Image 1. Avoid wearing the unflattering colour near your face; keep it to your bottom half.

Image 2

Image 2. Instead of wearing it in solid blocks, experiment with patterns instead.

Image 3

Image 3. Incorporate the unsuitable colour into accessories.

So, consider experimenting with a colour that may not be ideal for your natural colouring because it can be incorporated effectively using the above-mentioned style tips.

Which colour do you have in mind that you could apply these style tips straight away ??? Leave a comment below …

To Your Style & Success! Xxx

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ABOUT US: Sydney’s leading personal stylist, Natalia Macri (founder of, with over a decade of experience, knows how to transform your wardrobe and style from drab to fab. Natalia brings 10+ years of practical experience, expertise, and knowledge, along with her passion for delivering style results. Whether it’s a Wardrobe Detox, Personal Shopping, Style Makeover, or other styling services, you can find them HERE.

Style is a tool, and at Style-And-You, we show you how to use it. We specialize in helping people make the right choices for their body type, lifestyle, and personality. But more than anything, we love making you feel and look fantastic!

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